Thursday, February 15, 2007

Digital Natives vs Digital Immigrants

After reading the three articles,(Digital Natives,Digital Immigrants, Do They Really Think Differently?, Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants: Some Thoughts from the Generation Gap.) I would have to say that I agree with some of the things said in these articles but for the most part I didn't care for them. I thought that the third article/review had some good points. First, I agree that teachers do need to become more technologically educated, but it is my thought that the teacher should be the one who chooses when to use the technology and when not to use it. A teacher must know who their students are, if none of your students can go home and use a computer then there is not much sense in spending a lot of time on one. I thought that the Web Quest idea was good, but can your students do them outside of class. The statement I agreed with the most was, "it is the teacher's responsibility to structure and support the students' learning experience." In contrast with the other articles, it is the duty of a teacher to become an effective teacher and find ways to enlighten their students, it is not the job of a computer or a machine to teach the young people today. The statement that, "Today's students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach." is an absolute asinine statement. Anyone who has been in a public school lately would know that if you are not in a rich/upper class community, then technology is not the problem with the education system. Everything starts at home, when parents start making their children show respect to authority figures/educators, then teachers can do more teaching and less baby sitting. In a time where every other kid gets to use the excuse of being ADD/ADHD, I do think teachers need to evolve with the times and continue there own growth as an educator, so they can teach students' that life is real, not a video game.

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