Friday, April 13, 2007

Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles By Emily Giles, Sarah Pitre, & Sara Womack

This article was very interesting, it suggests that there are many different types of intellegence/ways of learning out there and that people must be open minded to them. I agree totally with this, I do believe, and history will prove that there are people in the world that learn and excell in many different ways. This article list the 8 different intellegences and what makes them up, and also listed some historical/famous people over the history of the U.S. that could be put under each intellegence. 1) Verbal/Linguistic means that you have the ability to understand and manipulate words.(T.S. Elliot, Maya Angelou, and Martin Luther King Jr) 2)Logical/Mathematical refers to someones ability to do things with data.(Albert Einstein, Niehls Bohr, and John Dewey) 3)Visual/Spatial refers to your ability to form and manipulate and mental maodel of something.(Pablo Picasso, Bobby Fischer, and Georgia O'Keefe)
4)Bodily/Kinesthetic are people who process info through the sensations they feel in their bodies.(Michael Jordan, Martina Navratilova, and Jim Carrey) 5)Naturalistic is someone who finds it easy to recognize and classify plants, animals, and minerals.(Charles Darwin and John Muir) 6)Musical Intellegence is someone who has the ability to understand, create, and interpet musical pitches.(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Louis Armstrong) 7)Interpersonal refers to the ability to respond to moods, emothions, and motivation.(Gandhi, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton) 8)Intrapersonal refers the ability to know one's self.(Jean Paul Satre and Frederick Douglas)
I agree with all the authors had to say, for one I personally do believe that everyone has their own nitch in life and do things the way they do things for reasons that are way beyond us. I also think that their points are validated by the examples of different people they listed for each intellegence.
In conclusion as someone who is looking tobecome a teacher I think it is important that we all realize that everyone has their own talent/intellegence and it is up to parents, teachers, friends and family to work with the intellegence of each person.

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